6 Things That Make Us Feel Calm When Everything Around Us Is Chaotic

6 Things That Make Us Feel Calm When Everything Around Us Is Chaotic

The defining mood of the country right now seems to be edging towards chaos, with vibes of pessimism and despair. But the flip side of this is that we’re increasingly talking about the importance of maintaining good mental health and wellbeing, and it’s being prioritised. So with that in mind, here are six things we can all do to stay calm, mentally healthy, and destress.

How to calm anxiety

1) Hygge your space and mind

The word “hygge” is derived from Danish and means something like “wellbeing”, although there’s no real direct translation into English. It implies the feeling of contentment and wellness encouraged by the mood of coziness and comfort of home.

It’s a feeling of relaxation and a sense of safety which can be promoted by having the right personal setup in your home. For instance, you can make your living room cozier by using the warm glow of pillar candles.

You could also use scented candles to promote hygge in your living room or bedroom. If your place is cozy, your mind will be more relaxed. So grab your chunkiest blanket and cozy up with a great book and you’re living as hygge intends.

2) Refresh your décor

If you spend extended periods of time at home, it may not be long before you start feeling bored and cabin fever sets in. One thing that could help is refreshing your décor. A change of scenery, even if it’s within the same four walls, is a great way to destress yourself. You’ll have a task to set your mind on, and the result will be a welcoming, creative change.

3) Take some time to get the things done you’ve been putting off

Have you been trying to finish reading a novel or even writing one? Have you been procrastinating about learning to play a musical instrument or want to absorb yourself in learning a new language? Take the time to do some of the things you always wanted to do but you were simply too busy to do them - even if it’s just 10 minutes a day, that time just for you can really help calm anxiety.

4) Yoga, walks, and exercise

Physical exercise like yoga, brisk walks, and strength exercises will help you not only to improve your physical health but will also help keep you sane and mentally focused. It also helps you deal with stress and anxiety as feel-good neurochemicals like dopamine and endorphins are released during exercise.

5) Staying in touch

The incredible technology at our disposal helps us to stay in contact with loved ones, friends, and colleagues. It’s even possible now to attend virtual church services, online dance parties, and digital workshops.

6) Light a candle

Simply lighting a candle, especially a scented candle, can help calm your feelings of anxiety and stress. Different scents can provide different effects. For instance, lavender makes you feel relaxed and orange reduces stress, while an apple fragrance is said to control feelings of anxiety.

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